White Haired Beauty

Margie was already a grandma with white hair when I met her. Yet, she was one of the most beautiful women in my life. She was a volunteer at the prayer ministry I had just joined. I loved serving on Margie’s prayer team because she bubbled with joy and enthusiasm for the Lord. Often when she spoke of her Savior, her passion . . .

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Grow in Your Walk

Without me noticing, I have some how become one of the “older women” at my church. No longer am I the one trying to figure out how to grow kids God’s way or parent with love and logic. My kids are grown. That puts me in the category of “older women.” I really don’t mind; I like being older and wiser – especially the wiser part. I have always loved to encourage people, especially younger women. Now, there is just a lot more of them!

Today, I am another year older and wiser. So . . . .

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Porpoise Skins Representing the Holy Spirit?

Buried in the intricate detail of the wilderness Tabernacle are the 4 layers of curtains for the Holy Place. This is the enclosed tent where the priests ministered at the Table of Showbread, the Altar of Incense, the Menorah, and the Ark of the Covenant. God prescribed 4 layers of curtains with the final layer made of porpoise skins (or badger skins, depending on your translation). In other words, the layer that would be seen from the outside is porpoise skins. I had an idea that I was considering and needed to know what are these porpoise skins all about. My biblical references were no help. . . .

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