White Haired Beauty

Margie was already a grandma with white hair when I met her. Yet, she was one of the most beautiful women in my life. She was a volunteer at the prayer ministry I had just joined. I loved serving on Margie’s prayer team because she bubbled with joy and enthusiasm for the Lord. Often when she spoke of her Savior, her passion . . .

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Beauty Begins: Making Peace With Your Reflection

This mother-daughter team has written the book that has been on my heart for years. And they have done it beautifully! I can heartily recommend this book to every woman – young and old. Even husbands and fathers can find a blessing here, especially in the addendum written by the husbands of the authors.

The key to making peace with our reflection is to . . .

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The Beautiful Temple

A deep longing for God throbs throughout this poetic song. The “beautiful temple” that the psalmist praised was an actual building. The building was grand in size and ornamentation, but that is not why he praised it. The “beautiful temple” represented the “Beautiful One.” To the Old Testament believer, the “beautiful temple” was the very presence of God.

Fires of sacrifices and offerings (passion for God) burned 24/7, . . .

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