The Beautiful Temple

Yes, the sparrow has found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even Your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Psalm 84:3 (Amp.)

A deep longing for God throbs throughout this poetic song. The “beautiful temple” that the psalmist praised was an actual building. The building was grand in size and ornamentation, but that is not why he praised it. The “beautiful temple” represented the “Beautiful One.” To the Old Testament believer, the “beautiful temple” was the very presence of God.

Fires of sacrifices and offerings (passion for God) burned 24/7, filling the air with a sweet aroma to the Lord. Clouds of incense (prayers) added to that sweet-smelling aroma. And melodious music (worship) wafted up to heaven with it. Yes, praise and worship resounded in the “beautiful temple” every hour of the day and night.

In this symphony of adoration, the psalmist reflected, how blessed are the birds who find a home in the “beautiful temple.” They raise their young in an atmosphere of worship and adoration. They add their bird song to the symphony of praise forever rising up to God. How blessed are those birds that constantly live in the very presence of God!

We are more blessed than those birds. Instead of making our home in the temple, God makes His home in us!! Thanks to the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are the temple of the living God (2 Cor. 6:16)! God dwells in us, with us, and among us. He is our God; we are His people. We are the “beautiful temple” because the “Beautiful One” lives in us.