Hur is of the Tribe of Judah

So it came about when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set. So Joshua overwhelmed Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. Exodus 17:11-13

Hur is of the tribe of Judah. This struck me as significant because Hur, along with Aaron, held up Moses arms during Israel's first ever battle as a Nation.

After the Nation of Israel passed safely through the Red Sea, the Amaleks came and fought against them. Moses told Joshua to choose men to fight the battle, and he (Moses) would station himself on the hill above them with staff of God in his hand. When Moses arms were raised, then the battle went well in the valley below. When Moses hands got "heavy" and he put them down, then the enemy prevailed. So Aaron and Hur got Moses a rock to sit (the rock is a symbol of Christ) and each of them held up one of Moses' hands.

Hur being from the tribe of Judah is significant because, as you know, Judah means "Praise." So when Moses' arm was lifted up in "Praise," then the battle went well for the children of God. The correlation to our lives is that when we lift our arms up in "Praise" then the battle will go well in our lives too.

That got me wondering what Levi, the tribe of Aaron, means. It means "Attached to." Again, I find significance here. In order for the battle to go well, we need to have our arms raised to God - first in "Attachment to" or in relationship with our God, and second in "Praise" of our God. When we are in relationship with and praising God, then . . . THEN ... the battle goes well!

Moses, of course, is representative of "The Law" in scripture. Notice that The Law is weak and cannot "stand" in the battle. Again, how significant is that?! When the church tries to "stand" on The Law, the battle will not go well for the children of God. We have the Old Testament foreshadowing of that right here.

However, if we will stand on the Rock, who is Christ, and we lift up our hands in attachment and praise to the LORD, then we WILL prevail!!! I love it!!!!