Marching Orders

One of the organizational details is the Marching Order of the tribes. When the pillar of cloud and/or fire would lift from the Tabernacle, the Israelites were to break camp and follow. God gave specific instruction about the order in which they should march.

I began to wonder if there was a significance to our Christian walk in their Marching Orders. And I believe I have found one. . .

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Hur is of the Tribe of Judah

Hur is of the tribe of Judah. This struck me as significant because Hur, along with Aaron, held up Moses arms during Israel's first ever battle as a Nation.

After the Nation of Israel passed safely through the Red Sea, the Amaleks came and fought against them. Moses told Joshua to choose men to fight the battle, and he (Moses) would station himself . . .

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Freedom to Praise

I would love it if I could read the Word of God in its original language.  Every detail, every name, every number, is written for our learning.  And so much is lost in the translation.  For example, these verses on healing in Acts are actually a lesson on living a praise-filled life.

The notes in The Passion translation point out that the name of the town where Peter is ministering, Lydda, means “strife.”  And the healed man’s name, Aneneas, means “praise.”  So, this man named “Praise” is living in a place called “Strife . . .

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