Stacy came to our prayer ministry in a near panic due to harassing spirits. They lied to her mind and attacked her physical body. Even sleep provided no respite from . . .
Read MoreKing of the Universe
The news media (if they can be believed) tells us that more than ever Americans fear for the state of our nation if their candidate doesn’t win the election.
If that is you, I am here to encourage you: . . .
Read MoreSeeing God with the Eyes of your Heart
I read this verse in Psalms and wondered if the makers of the first telescope thought they would see the throne of God above the firmament. Were they disappointed to find only stars? . . . .
Read MoreLove Notes from God
I had the privilege of sharing my creative testimony with women who are emerging out of spiritual darkness. They listened intently as I shared my story, and they excitedly participated in the creative expression I had for them afterwards. My greatest joy . . .
Read MoreSingleness of Heart
Take a closer look at the photo above. Do you see the haziness? I wondered, “Do they have a smoke machine here at Pursuit?” No. They do not. That cloud that you see is supernatural. It is the cloud of God’s glory.
What does Revival look like? . . .
Read MoreThe Writer’s Inkhorn
The mark made by this “man clothed in linen” protected the recipient from God’s coming judgment. Life and death were in the power of this man’s pen . . .
Read MoreFirst Love
Just reading “the Paradise of God” brings a sigh to my lips. Peace fills my soul as I think about walking with my Jesus in the heavenly garden of God. This glorious fellowship is offered . . .
Read MoreAn Enduring House
King David longed to build a temple for God in Jerusalem. God said that since it was in David’s heart to build Him a house, God would build David a “house.” God was not promising a physical house with walls and a roof. The “house” God promised David was a family lineage that would endure forever (v. 12). . . .
Read MoreThe Fig Tree
Passover, the feast at which Jesus was crucified and rose again, begins tomorrow. So, this seems like a good time to confess that for years I thought that Jesus cursing the fig tree was random. It seemed totally unrelated to the narrative. I’m embarrassed by this because . . .
Read MoreThe Call
14 “Then he said: ‘The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. 15 You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard. 16 And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.’ Acts 22:14-16 NIV
Read the above verse and inserted your name. Do you see how God's . . .
Read MoreThe Divine Clockmaker
Ever heard the one about the Divine Clockmaker? It is the theory that God created the world, set it in motion, and then took His hands off. It is like a clockmaker wound up a clock, let it run and walked away. The implication is that God is detached, uninvolved in our day-to-day lives. Evil flourishes because God chooses not to intervene.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. Before God . . .
Read MoreThe 8 Benefits of God’s Word
This Thanksgiving week, I number among my blessings God’s Word. The Bible is often referred to as a love letter from God. While that is true, the Word also has power. The power to restore identity and transform lives.
Before I list the 8 benefits or powers of the Word, I want to mention that translators . . .
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