Stacy came to our prayer ministry in a near panic due to harassing spirits. They lied to her mind and attacked her physical body. Even sleep provided no respite from . . .
Read MoreSeeing God with the Eyes of your Heart
I read this verse in Psalms and wondered if the makers of the first telescope thought they would see the throne of God above the firmament. Were they disappointed to find only stars? . . . .
Read MoreMy Grieving Soul by Bay Isle
My quiet time with the Lord turned into a struggle. I searched my heart, questioning if I had hidden sin. I kept reading my Bible, praying and singing songs of worship that came to mind. Exhausted from my efforts, I continued . . .
Read MoreThe 8 Benefits of God’s Word
This Thanksgiving week, I number among my blessings God’s Word. The Bible is often referred to as a love letter from God. While that is true, the Word also has power. The power to restore identity and transform lives.
Before I list the 8 benefits or powers of the Word, I want to mention that translators . . .
Read MoreMy Recipe for JOY
I live in the Seattle area, the epicenter of the coronavirus in the US. The Care Center that everyone is talking about is only 15 minutes from my home. Public gatherings are prohibited; schools are closed. Each new day seems to bring more bad news. Yesterday all dine-in restaurants were ordered to close. Yet in the midst of it all, I have peace and JOY!!!!
How do I keep my JOY? I am diligent to guard my heart (Pr. 4:23).
Here is my recipe for having JOY in any and all circumstances:
Read MoreJustice is the Foundation of His Throne
My favorite Bible is a red-letter edition. That means that the words Jesus actually spoke are in red color. The color reminds me that those particular words carry more weight. Of course, all Scripture is God-breathed and useful. Still I want to pay closer attention to those red letters because . . .
Read MoreSeven Pillars of Wisdom
“Wisdom” is personified as a woman in the book of Proverbs. Ladies, before you get too excited, “Wisdom” is contrasted with “Foolish” who is also personified as a woman. Both are inviting the naïve to come . . .
Read MoreThe Proverbs 31 Woman as the Bride of Christ
I would inwardly groan every time someone wanted to study the poem of the Proverbs 31 woman. I felt exhausted and overwhelmed at just the thought of trying to emulate that superwoman. That should have been my first clue that this proverb is a prophetic picture of the Bride of Christ. . . .
Read MoreGod Is Our Personal Bodyguard
When my children were young, I would tell them that God’s rules are our umbrella of protection. If we follow God’s rules, then He covers us. But if we step out from underneath His umbrella of protection, then we make ourselves vulnerable.
These verses from Proverbs are even better imagery. When we follow God’s ways, He becomes our Personal Bodyguard. He is protecting and guarding us as we choose what is right. . . .
Read MoreNew Year's Declarations
As others are making New Year’s resolutions, I am making New Year’s declarations.
Declarations speak the promises of God as fact in our lives, no matter how things look or feel. Speaking declarations is how we partner with the will of God to see change our lives.
Speaking declarations is an excellent way to overcome anxiety and produce joy (Pr. 12:28). Speaking declarations releases life wherever we go (Pr. 18:21). And declarations are essential to entering our “promised land” (Joshua 1:8).
So here are the declarations that I am going to speak over my life this year: . . .
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