My Recipe for JOY

You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Psalm 16:11

I live in the Seattle area, the epicenter of the coronavirus in the US. The Care Center that everyone is talking about is only 15 minutes from my home. Public gatherings are prohibited; schools are closed. Each new day seems to bring more bad news. Yesterday all dine-in restaurants were ordered to close. Yet in the midst of it all, I have peace and JOY!!!!

How do I keep my JOY? I am diligent to guard my heart (Pr. 4:23).

Here is my recipe for having JOY in any and all circumstances:

1-Limit Negativity. I limit my exposure to all negativity, especially the news. I haven’t watched the news consistently in almost 30 years. Some laugh at the fact that I nibble at the news rather than swallow it whole, but this is how I guard my heart. Also, I surround myself with people who speak faith, not fear. Yes, I do actually limit who I will allow to speak into my life, . . . and you should too. I even monitor my thoughts. Any thought that doesn’t “speak life,” I reject as “not from God.” I am diligent to guard my heart to keep my JOY.

2-Focus on Worship. On September 11, 2001, I waited with bated breath for every update on the crisis, for about half a day. I finally realized that it had entirely sucked away my JOY. So I turned off the news and turned on the praise music. I worshiped Jesus with singing and dancing throughout my house. My JOY returned. Worship lifts our eyes off our circumstances and back on our God. Worship shifts the spiritual atmosphere from fear to faith. Worship draws others into hope and JOY as well.

3-Be in the Word of God. When I am surrounded by bad news, I reach for the Good News. Access to the Word of God is easier than it has ever been. I listen through my ear buds as I walk. I watch sermons as I cook dinner. I fill my head and my heart with the promises of God at every chance I get. Jesus is my source of life! Jesus is my JOY!

4-Enter into HIS Presence. During dark hours, I spend more time basking in The Light. I am talking about prayer, but not the kind where you bring your list before God. I come with no agenda except to meet with my Lord. I meditate on a single passage until I can sense His peaceful presence. Once I’ve entered into His presence, I hold that peace in my heart as long as possible. In His presence is fullness of JOY!

I pray you will use my recipe for JOY, so you, too, can have JOY in any and all circumstances. My blog has two other devotions on JOY; I may repost them so you can find them easily. Blessed to be a blessing!