I Choose Joy

For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, Romans8:6

The Joy of the Lord is a life-giving force! Choosing to set our minds on the things of the Spirit is Life and Peace! What we choose to think on, really IS live or death.

I choose Joy!

My life radically changed the year that I learned not every thought that passed through my mind, was “my” thought. Movies, books, people - even the enemy! - can plant thoughts in my mind. But only the thoughts that I dwell on are “my” thoughts. This was revolutionary for me!! I could stop kicking myself for all those “bad” or negative thoughts, because they are not really mine. I was free to reject any thought that was not of God!! Hallelujah!

Of course, it took some time to retrain my thinking. At first, I measured success by the reduction of wasted hours in my old, negative, thought patterns. It took time to learn to capture every thought and ask myself, “Is this from God?” God also plants thoughts in our minds. In fact, God gave us imaginations to use for His glory! And those are the thoughts I want to dwell on!

I choose Joy!

I have recently learned that even emotions can be thrust upon us from unwanted sources. But we do not have to be controlled by our emotions! Praise God!! God has given us His Spirit to lead and guide us. As we yield control to the Spirit, instead of our emotions, He will produce in us the fruit of “self-control.” (Gal. 5:23) Self-control is choosing to set our mind (and emotions) on the things of the Spirit, the things that lead to life and peace and victory and joy!

I choose Joy!

Of course, “in this world you will have troubles.” (John 16:33) That was true in Jesus’ day; the disciples that He was talking to, experienced persecution and death for their faith. And it is true our day. We will have troubles and sorrows and hurts. Praise God that Jesus has overcome the world!! And Jesus has made us overcomers too! He has given us life. He has given us peace. He has given us joy.

I choose Joy!