Grow in Your Walk

Without me noticing, I have some how become one of the “older women” at my church. No longer am I the one trying to figure out how to grow kids God’s way or parent with love and logic. My kids are grown. That puts me in the category of “older women.” I really don’t mind; I like being older and wiser – especially the wiser part. I have always loved to encourage people, especially younger women. Now, there is just a lot more of them!

Today, I am another year older and wiser. So . . . .

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I Choose Joy

I am re-posting this devotion about Choosing Joy because I think we need it!

The Joy of the Lord is a life-giving force! Choosing to set our minds on the things of the Spirit is Life and Peace! What we choose to think on, really IS live or death.

I choose Joy!

My life radically changed the year that I learned not every thought that passed through my mind, was “my” thought. Movies, books, people - even the enemy! - can plant thoughts . . .

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