Frontline Missionaries

“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

Living on the mission field necessitated that Laura maintain a tight budget. Their monthly stipend paid for only the basic needs of her family. Three growing boys sure can eat a lot of groceries.

One month the rent check bounced, and Laura discovered that their stipend was only half its normal amount. When she had called the church to inquire, she was told that the missions committee had voted to reduce their stipend. But no one had bothered to inform Laura.

Since the church’s financial support was waning, Laura wondered about their prayer support. Even more than the money, Laura and her family depended on their prayers. They were like Joshua, fighting the front-line battle, and the church was their Moses holding them up in prayer. When Moses held up his hands, then the battle went well in the valley below. But Moses got tired. He needed Aaron and Hur to hold up his arms. It seems their church was getting tired too. She needed their prayers so that the battle would go well on the mission field. She needed to find an Aaron and a Hur to hold up the church’s hands.

You will be delighted to hear that Laura did find two prayer warriors who revived their church’s commitment to their ministry. Both prayer and financial support flowed steadily again.

Who can you enlist to be your Aaron and Hur as you pray for your missionaries?

Father, protect and encourage those who give their lives to You in front-line missions. Keep me ever faithful in prayer for them. Amen.