Shine Forth the Glory of The Lord

To this end He handpicked you for salvation through the gospel so that you would have the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 2:14 TPT

Quickly make a list of the benefits of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. What are your top three?

My top three would probably read like this: 1) deliverance from the power of sin and death, 2) reconciled to God the Father and 3) the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. Of course, the longer I thought about it, the longer my list would become. Yet I could have pondered all day and not come up with “having the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

In this short letter to the Thessalonians, Paul is praising them for standing firm in the face of severe persecution and painful trials. And he is encouraging them to live in such a way as to make Christ beautiful in their lives. That’s what “having the glory of the Lord” is all about . . . to make the gospel attractive to the world.

Yes, God proved His love for us by choosing us from the beginning for salvation. The Spirit of God set us apart for holiness. He convinced us of His truth. Yes, God handpick you and I for salvation SO THAT we would have the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ lives inside of us (Gal. 2:20). His glory shines forth through us. Because the glory of the Lord has risen upon us, nations and leaders will come to our light (Is. 60:2). We will see and rejoice at the abundance of the lost turning to our radiance (Is. 60:5). The bulk of the nations will turn to us because we have the glory of the Lord shining forth from us (ibid).

Wow! I am just realizing the powerful, attractive force emanating from us by simply following Jesus! I’m encouraged to do all I can to shine forth His glory every day of my life. AMEN!!