Grow in Your Walk

“. . . the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things – that they admonish the young women . . .” Titus 2:3-4

Without me noticing, I have some how become one of the “older women” at my church. No longer am I the one trying to figure out how to grow kids God’s way or parent with love and logic. My kids are grown. That puts me in the category of “older women.” I really don’t mind; I like being older and wiser – especially the wiser part. I have always loved to encourage people, especially younger women. Now, there is just a lot more of them!

Today, I am another year older and wiser. So I pray that you will indulge me as I use my “older woman” status to share some wisdom. I want to admonish you to be diligent to grow in your spiritual walk.

Life is full of distractions that chip away at our Bible reading and prayer time. It takes intention and diligence to create and sustain a relationship. And that is what our spiritual walk is; it is a relationship with Jesus. As I am encouraging you, I am encouraging me too. At every age and in every season of life, it is critical to continue growing in our walk with the Lord.

1-Grow in Faith in God’s Word and His character. Read the Word. Listen to sermons and testimonies. Pray for the gift of faith. Take in healing scriptures as medicine.

2-Grow in the Anointing. Be hungry for more of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the anointing. Go forward into the prayer line often.

3-Grow in sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Being led by the Holy Spirit requires listening and watching for His leading in ways we may not expect. One way to hear His voice is to pray His Word back to Him – declarative prayer.

4-Grow in obedience! Nobody likes the word “obedience,”. . . so simply put yourself in the mindset of always seeking to please the Lord.

5-Grow in love (compassion). Faith works through love (Galatians 5:6). Intimacy with the Lord is first and foremost! As you grow in your love relationship with the Lord, then His supernatural love will flow through you to others.

6-Give the glory to Jesus – always!!