My Recipe for JOY

I live in the Seattle area, the epicenter of the coronavirus in the US. The Care Center that everyone is talking about is only 15 minutes from my home. Public gatherings are prohibited; schools are closed. Each new day seems to bring more bad news. Yesterday all dine-in restaurants were ordered to close. Yet in the midst of it all, I have peace and JOY!!!!

How do I keep my JOY? I am diligent to guard my heart (Pr. 4:23).

Here is my recipe for having JOY in any and all circumstances:

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Happy Hanukkah

In these verses, God is commanding that specially prepared oil be continuously brought for the priest to keep the menorah – the lamp – continuously lit. Hanukkah commemorates the miraculous provision of this specially prepared oil after the Maccabean Revolt.

About a hundred years after Alexander the Great conquered the Holy Land, his successors had long departed from his relatively benevolent rule. Antiochus Epiphanies prohibited the practice of the Jewish religion and tortuously murdered . . .

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Trinity - In the Beginning

The trinity of God is right here in this first sentence!  In fact, these four words speak volumes: God said, “Light, Be!”

In the beginning God – “Elohim” in Hebrew – created the heavens and the earth.  “Elohim” is God plural; coupled with a singular verb it denotes the majestic plural.  So the character of God that is emphasized when He spoke His first Word is that of plurality and unity and power. 

The Spirit of God is “ruah Elohim” in Hebrew.  “Ruah” is breath or wind.  So the Spirit of God is the breath of God.  This is important because our voice is carried on our breath.  Without wind . . .

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