Carriers of God's Presence

As priest of the Most High God (1Pet 2:9), I pay close attention whenever priests are mentioned in the Old Testament. Those references give valuable insight or instruction. In this reference from Numbers 4:16, God is telling Moses which parts of the tabernacle the various sons of Levi will carry as they march through the wilderness.

Eleazar, the priest, has the responsibility of carrying . . .

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Happy Hanukkah

In these verses, God is commanding that specially prepared oil be continuously brought for the priest to keep the menorah – the lamp – continuously lit. Hanukkah commemorates the miraculous provision of this specially prepared oil after the Maccabean Revolt.

About a hundred years after Alexander the Great conquered the Holy Land, his successors had long departed from his relatively benevolent rule. Antiochus Epiphanies prohibited the practice of the Jewish religion and tortuously murdered . . .

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