The Holy Place as a Prayer Closet

You shall hang up the veil under the clasps, and shall bring in the ark of the testimony there within the veil; and the veil shall serve for you as a partition between the holy place and the holy of holies.” Exodus 26:27

The Tabernacle in the wilderness is a picture of what we would call a “prayer closet.” The Tabernacle is actually a tent. Inside the tent, called “The Holy Place,” the curtains were woven with royal colors and images of heavenly beings. In this royal chamber stood three pieces of gold furniture. The first piece was the Table of Showbread where the priests would place fresh bread. The second piece of furniture was the Menorah or the “candlestick.” This was a beautifully, ornate, oil lamp which the priests filled with oil so that it would continually burn. The final piece of furniture was the Altar of Incense. Again, the priests were responsible to keep the incense burning continually.

If we change the language a little, it is easy to see how this represents a prayer closet. The servants of God (priests) enter their prayer closet to read the Bible (bring fresh bread), to stir up the Holy Spirit (add oil to the Menorah) and to pray (rekindle the incense).

Year after year, day in and day out, those Old Testament priests were diligent in their duties. They brought fresh bread. They carried the oil and kept the lamp burning. They prepared and offered incense continually. Despite their faithfulness, they never came into the Presence of God. The Ark of the Testimony, which represented the very Presence of God, was screened from them by a veil. The veil partitioned off 1/3 of the tent for the Ark. That section was called the Holy of Holies. This veil protected the priests. If they entered into the Presence of the Holy God in their sinful state, then they would have died, both physically and spiritually.

We are blessed beyond measure! We have direct access to God without fear of death. Jesus took our sin upon Himself and gave us His robe of righteousness. This is God’s plan of salvation so that HE might fellowship with the children of His creation.

When we are faithful in our prayer closet, we have direct access to the Presence of God! Jesus purchased that access for us with His death and resurrection. As He breathed His last on the cross, the veil in the Temple was torn . . . giving the diligent access to the very Presence of God!!

This week as we celebrate God’s love for us in the birth of Jesus, I’m thanking Him for His plan of salvation. How truly blessed we are!! Merry Christmas to you and yours!