Happy New Year!

Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. Hebrews 10:24 TPT

This verse beautifully and succinctly sums up my life’s goal. I love to find new and creative ways to encourage others. I hope to be the person motivating others to acts of kindness and compassion. I want to express God’s love in beautiful works!

This new year I am not avowing to lose weight or exercise more, though I suppose it wouldn’t hurt me. My goal is to love more! I plan to smile more, give more compliments and forgive more readily.

Yes, I have had this same goal for many years now. In fact, every day of every year, my goal is the same: Discover creative ways to shine forth the glory of God and encourage others to do so too.

So, Precious Ones, go and be a blessing today!