Movie Script Idea

The story of King Jeroboam, first king of divided Israel (c. 920 BC), is so filled with drama and intrigue that it would make a great movie. How has Hollywood missed this opportunity? Are there no Bible readers in Hollywood?

My opening scene would be the prophet Ahijah tearing Jeroboam’s new cloak into 12 pieces . . . .

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Porpoise Skins Representing the Holy Spirit?

Buried in the intricate detail of the wilderness Tabernacle are the 4 layers of curtains for the Holy Place. This is the enclosed tent where the priests ministered at the Table of Showbread, the Altar of Incense, the Menorah, and the Ark of the Covenant. God prescribed 4 layers of curtains with the final layer made of porpoise skins (or badger skins, depending on your translation). In other words, the layer that would be seen from the outside is porpoise skins. I had an idea that I was considering and needed to know what are these porpoise skins all about. My biblical references were no help. . . .

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