Movie Script Idea

The story of King Jeroboam, first king of divided Israel (c. 920 BC), is so filled with drama and intrigue that it would make a great movie. How has Hollywood missed this opportunity? Are there no Bible readers in Hollywood?

My opening scene would be the prophet Ahijah tearing Jeroboam’s new cloak into 12 pieces . . . .

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Carriers of God's Presence

As priest of the Most High God (1Pet 2:9), I pay close attention whenever priests are mentioned in the Old Testament. Those references give valuable insight or instruction. In this reference from Numbers 4:16, God is telling Moses which parts of the tabernacle the various sons of Levi will carry as they march through the wilderness.

Eleazar, the priest, has the responsibility of carrying . . .

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Marching Orders

One of the organizational details is the Marching Order of the tribes. When the pillar of cloud and/or fire would lift from the Tabernacle, the Israelites were to break camp and follow. God gave specific instruction about the order in which they should march.

I began to wonder if there was a significance to our Christian walk in their Marching Orders. And I believe I have found one. . .

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Trinity - Aaron's Rod that Budded

I delight in finding the Trinity of God hidden in familiar passages of Scripture.  I discovered one this one in the contents of the Ark of the Covenant. 

The Ark of the Covenant contained three things:  1-the stone tablets upon which the finger of God wrote His covenant, 2-a golden pot of manna, and 3-Aaron’s rod that budded (Heb.9:4). 

It is easy to see how the stone tablets symbolize God the Father because . . .

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