Following the Holy Spirit

Whenever the cloud was lifted from over the tent, afterward the sons of Israel would then set out; and in the place where the cloud settled down, there the sons of Israel would camp. Numbers 9:17 NASB

The pillar of cloud by day and fire by night is what captured my attention in Numbers chapter 9. I noticed that the text reiterated the same information 7 times! Seven is the number of completeness or perfection. Clearly, this was important to the Lord. So I paused to wonder why. What should I be learning from this?

This cloud by day and fire by night was the very presence of God in the midst of Israel. Since God did not speak to them directly in that day, the movement of the cloud was “the command of the Lord.” They were to continually watch the cloud for instruction or direction. They were to be ready to follow the movement of the cloud, day or night. Obedience is the key point here! And the fact that it is reiterated 7 times emphasizes continual obedience, complete obedience.

The Israelites following the cloud in the wilderness is a foreshadowing of us following the Holy Spirit. In the life of the New Testament believer, the Holy Spirit is that cloud of God’s Presence. The direction of the Holy Spirit in our life IS “the command of the Lord.” Just as the Israelites were to be continually aware of the movement of the cloud, we are to be continually aware of the movement of the Holy Spirit. We need to be ready to follow the movement of the Holy Spirit, day or night. Obedience is key for us as well. God wants our continual and complete obedience.

The text also says that they camped or “did not set out” when the cloud lingered. This is instructive too. Unless the Holy Spirit is leading us, we are not to act; we are to stay put!

Finally, I notice that they never had to wonder what God's command was; they simply looked to the cloud over the Tabernacle. Even in the dark, they could see the cloud because it had the appearance of fire. We never have to wonder what God's command is, we need only look to the cloud of His Presence in our life: the Holy Spirit. I pray the I am faithful to follow the Holy Spirit's every leading; His every command!

Following Him . . .