Carriers of God's Presence

The responsibility of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest is the oil of the light and the fragrant incense and the continual grain offering and the anointing oil . . . Numbers 4:16 NASB

As priest of the Most High God (1Pet 2:9), I pay close attention whenever priests are mentioned in the Old Testament. Those references give valuable insight or instruction. In this reference from Numbers 4:16, God is telling Moses which parts of the tabernacle the various sons of Levi will carry as they march through the wilderness.

Eleazar, the priest, has the responsibility of carrying some things as well. That is what caused me to pause and take notice. The articles that the priest carries are very instructive for our Christian walk.

Eleazer, the priest, has the responsibility of carrying the oil for the Menorah. As we know, the oil is representative of the Holy Spirit. As priests, we carry the oil of the Holy Spirit illuminating the darkness! We carry the potential to glow with the Holy Spirit (the glory of God) at all times!

Eleazar, the priest, also carried the fragrant incense. This incense was used on the golden altar of incense which was to continually burn in the tabernacle. As Christians, we carry the fragrance of the Lord. I see this as a picture of us continually praying as we walk through life.

Eleazar, the priest, also carried the “continual grain offering.” A grain offering is a voluntary act of worship; it is a recognition of God's goodness and provision. Basically, it is an expression of our devotion to God. As priests, we carry a continual offering of worship! Our grateful heart, our songs of praises, our giving on His behalf ARE the continual grain offering of today.

Eleazar also carried the anointing oil. Again, oil is presentative of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, anointing oil was used for consecration (of prophets, priests and kings); it was used for blessing (people and houses); it was used for healing. Christians, we are carriers of the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit. We are carriers of the very presence of God! We carry the power to consecrate! We carry the power to bless! We carry the power to heal!!

Christian, Priest of God, this is an awesome responsibility that we carry. Yet, He is with us! We glow with the aura of His presence! We emanate the sweet fragrance of the Lord! We continually offer Him praise and worship! And we carry God's blessing and healing for others!!!