Marching Orders

Thus the sons of Israel did; according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so they camped by their standards, and so they set out, everyone by his family according to his father’s household. Numbers 2:34

The book of Numbers is all about organizing the nation of Israel into a community – the army of the Lord. One of the organizational details is the Marching Order of the tribes. When the pillar of cloud and/or fire would lift from the Tabernacle, the Israelites were to break camp and follow. God gave specific instruction about the order in which they should march.

I began to wonder if there was a significance to our Christian walk in their Marching Orders. And I believe I have found one.

The first to set out in the marching order are the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark presents the very presence of God. The application to our Christian walk is that He goes before us. We are to follow HIS presence.

Second in the Marching Order are the three tribes that camp East of the Tabernacle. They all rally around the standard (or banner) of the tribe of Judah. As you know, Judah means “Praise.” How appropriate is that?! When we follow after God, first and foremost comes Praise!

Third in the Marching Order are the Gershonites and the Merarites of the tribe of Levi carrying the Tabernacle itself - curtains, poles, sockets, etc. I am thinking that perhaps since we are now the temple of God, this would be analogous of us offering our bodies . . . or giving our hearts to God. Carrying our temples would be like a salvation experience or a consecration experience.

Fourth in line are the three tribes that camp South of the Tabernacle. They all march under the standard of Reuben. Reuben means “see a son!” Obviously, this refers to THE SON that was sacrificed for us; Jesus Christ. When God looks down from heaven on us, He sees His Beloved Son. We are hidden “in Him.”

Fifth in line are the Kohathites of the tribe of Levi, who are carrying the holy articles of the Tabernacle - the table of showbread, the golden altar, the menorah, etc. I am guessing that this has to do with our sanctification - our process of becoming holy. Or perhaps we, as Christians, carry the holy articles (gifts of the Spirit) once we are hidden in Him

Sixth in the Marching Order (this is where it gets good!) are the three tribes who camp West of the Tabernacle. They march under the standard of Ephraim which means “fruitfulness!” It is beginning to make sense now. We follow after HIS Presence (The Ark) with Praise (Judah). And we offer ourselves (the Tabernacle) to become carriers of THE SON (Reuben) and carriers of holiness (the holy articles), then fruitfulness comes (Ephraim)!

Seventh and final in the Marching Order are the three tribes who camp on the North side of the Tabernacle. They march under the standard of Dan, and Dan means “God judges.”

That “judging” in the end is not a hammer threatening to crush us if we don’t march briskly enough. The judgement at the end is actually a comfort - a promise. God has seen our obedience in following Him . . . and with praise! He knows the sacrifices we have made to be carriers of His presence. He has watched us seek to carry holiness and bear good fruit. And He will judge righteously.

We have our Marching Orders: We are to follow His Presence with Praise. We are to offer up our entire lives to Him, then we can be carriers of His Presence. We are to live a holy life so we can carry fruitfulness. . . for His honor and glory. And in the end, God is the only one who will judge. He will reward us for keeping our Marching Orders!!