Authority of the Believer

Jesus said, “Behold, I give you authority . . .over all the power of the enemy, .. .” Luke 10:19

God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth and everything in it (Genesis 1:28). Unfortunately, Adam yielded to the enemy and gave his authority over to Satan. You do not have dominion over the one that you yield to. That is way God tells us to resist the devil, and he will flee from us (James 4:7). In other words, exercise your authority over him, and he must flee.

It is still God’s plan for the people of His creation to rule and reign over the earth and everything in it (Romans 5:17). That is why Jesus came to the earth, to purchase back that authority for us. He didn’t come to get authority back for Himself; He was already ruling and reigning in heaven. In fact, He had to empty Himself so that we might be filled with His fullness. He came so that you and I could have authority over all the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). And He finished that at the cross. He defeated the enemy and said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Therefore, YOU go and teach the nations . . .”

Yet, satan acts as if he continues to reign. He kills people with disease and accidents; he steals people’s children and resources; he destroys people’s souls and relationships. I wanted to acknowledge the struggle. Because the struggle is real. But satan rules through fear and intimidation; he has no real authority here. Jesus delegated all authority to us. This is our promised land; God promised us dominion. But there are giants in the land. There are battles to be fought. And victories to be won! We are on the winning side!

You and I were created to have dominion. Jesus paid a high price to purchase authority for us. We are destined to rule and reign on the earth. That is God’ plan, and His plans are never thwarted! God is raising an army of believers who will take Him at His Word, . . . and use His authority to bring His Kingdom here on the earth. He wants to give us greater spiritual authority so we can be about The Father’s Business. God wants to release a whole army of believers walking in the fullness of His authority to healing, save and deliver. Come, join the army of God!