Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 2 “See, I have called by name Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. 3 And I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship, Exodus 31:1-3 NASB
God called Bezalel by name to build His Tabernacle in the wilderness. Bezalel’s name means “in the shadow (protection) of God.” He is from the tribe of Judah, which means “praise” (Ex. 35:30). God chose Bezalel and filled him with His Spirit (the first mention of anyone being filled with the Holy Spirit).
God called us by name to build Him a dwelling place too. You and I are the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16-17). How do we “build” God a dwelling place in our hearts? I’m finding inspiration in the story of Bezalel the builder.
The first thing Bezalel made was the Tabernacle curtains that enclosed the Holy Place, the place where man met with God. To build God a dwelling place in our hearts, the first thing we make is a place to meet with God – a holy place. This place is not physical as in the Tabernacle building. It is a space in our hearts where the presence of God can reside.
Next Bezalel, the man in God’s shadow, built a golden throne for God (Ex. 37:1). The ark and its mercy seat were portable, so they could carry it with them wherever God sent them. Jesus abandoned His throne in heaven in hopes that His radical love would compel us to build Him a throne in our hearts. He longs to be Lord of our lives, wherever we go.
The Table of Showbread that Bezalel built next is a symbol of God’s Word (Ex. 37:10). We receive our nourishment as we feast on God’s Word. The table was made of acacia wood, covered with gold which makes me think that our teachers will be humans (acacia wood), but divinely inspired (covered with gold). The Lampstand, on the other hand, was made of pure gold (Ex. 38:17). Our connection with the Holy Spirit, who is symbolized in the Lampstand, must be pure.
Next Bezalel constructed the altar of incense, symbolic of prayer (Ex. 37:25; Rev. 5:8). It was made of acacia wood covered with gold, along with poles to carry it with them. I’m impressed that our prayers (acacia wood) mingle with God’s prayer (gold) and float to heaven.
Then Bezalel made the holy anointing oil used to consecrate and bless others (Ex. 37:29). Here is the first opportunity to give out. This is also instructive.
Before I can consecrate and bless others, I need to build a place for God’s presence in my own life. I build Him a throne in my heart and a rhythm of nourishing myself from God’s Word (Table of Showbread). Then the Holy Spirit has something to work with as I am building my connection with God’s Spirit (Lampstand). That relationship will naturally evolve into a pattern of prayer (altar of incense).
Finally, once I’ve built this dwelling place for God, I am ready to make anointing oil and bless others. I invite you to join the construction crew. Come, let’s build a dwelling place for God and bless others.