Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Wisdom has built herself a palace upon seven pillars to keep it secure. Proverbs 9:1 TPT

“Wisdom” is personified as a woman in the book of Proverbs. Ladies, before you get too excited, “Wisdom” is contrasted with “Foolish” who is also personified as a woman. Both are inviting the naïve to come and eat (be taught).

Wisdom has built herself a palace. The word “palace” makes me think that this is a large and glorious house. Wisdom has built this palace on 7 pillars to keep it secure. I am wondering what those 7 pillars are. Aren’t you?

I want those pillars in my own life. I want to build a big and glorious palace of wisdom for my house. If I want it to stand securely, I need to know what those 7 pillars are and practice them!

The rest of the Proverb doesn’t really tell us what those 7 pillars of wisdom are. So I turned to the book of James chapter 3. James contrasts worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom: “But if there is bitter jealousy or competition hiding in your heart, then don’t deny it and try to compensate for it by boasting and being phony. For that has nothing to do with God’s heavenly wisdom but can best be described as the wisdom of this world, both selfish and devilish. So wherever jealousy and selfishness are uncovered, you will also find many troubles and every kind of meanness.

But the wisdom from above is always pure, filled with peace, considerate and teachable. It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form and it always bears the beautiful harvest of righteousness! Good seeds of wisdom’s fruit will be planted with peaceful acts by those who cherish making peace.” James 3:14-18 TPT

Heavenly wisdom is 1) pure, 2) peaceable, 3) gentle and 4) teachable. Heavenly wisdom is full of 5) love and 6) good fruit. It is also 7) whole-hearted without hypocrisy. These are the 7 pillars of wisdom that secure our homes. These are the 7 pillars on which we can build a big and glorious palace of wisdom.

Father, I pray that you would sow these good seeds of wisdom into my heart, and the hearts of those I love. I pray that we cherish making peace and do so with our every act. I pray that these pillars of wisdom grow tall and strong in our lives, so that our palaces will stand secure. Amen!!