The Pathway of Peace

So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 NASB

Brain research has confirmed what the Bible has taught all along. They have mapped the brain activity and discovered that talking about your anger, hurts, betrayals, etc. only inflames them.

We have phrases in our language that point to a common believe that if you “let off steam” or “vent” about something that you can “let it go” easier. The research shows that the opposite is true. The more you talk about how anger that made you, the angrier you get. And the more you talk about how much they hurt you, the more wounded you feel.

The researchers have recorded increased activity in certain pathways of the brain when you dwell on those negative thoughts and emotion, thereby increasing their intensity. In other words, the more you travel on those pathways of pain, rejection and betrayal – even if only in your mind! – the more those pathways become super-highways! To break free from this negative traffic pattern, you must NOT dwell on those negative thoughts. You must choose to forgive!

Forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling. And you must consistently choose forgiveness in order for the “feelings” to follow. Choosing forgiveness is like redirecting the traffic of your brain. Instead of traveling down the super-highway of pain, choose instead the pathway of peace.

Think of ‘Forgiveness” as a traffic cop with a red “stop” sign. Let’s say, for example the person who betrayed you telephones you, and you are tempted to run down the super-highway of pain. Look to “Forgiveness” to put a stop to that. Choose the pathway of peace instead. Think to yourself, “No! I have forgiven them. I will not allow them to control my emotions. I choose, instead, the pathway of peace. Thank You, Jesus, that You are the Prince of Peace, and I can choose You instead. Thank You that I can trust You to defend and protect me . . . .”

As you consistently choose the pathway of peace, “Peace” becomes the super-highway of your brain. That highway of pain, when it is less traveled, will begin to shrink into a rabbit trail. Yes, I am often heard to say, “Speak your forgiveness OUT-LOUD, because your ears will hear and your heart will eventually follow. Faith comes by hearing!

I’ve written this devotion with the pronoun “you” deliberately. I wanted you to feel the impact of my words and take them to heart (or brain). But I’ve also written this devotion for me. We cannot walk through this world without enduring some painful things, and it is tempting to hold grudges. We must always be diligent to choose the pathway of peace. I am reminding myself as much as I am reminding you!!

May His peace be with you and overwhelm you. And me too! Amen!