Mercy for the Mean - 2nd attempt

Ever since I first wrote the devotion entitled “Mercy for the Mean,” the Lord has been nudging me to rewrite it. And I can see why. The original version (I will leave it up for comparison) has no mention of God’s supernatural enabling to forgive in the face of true evil. So here is my second attempt. Please send me an email with your comments.

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The Pathway of Peace

Brain research has confirmed what the Bible has taught all along. They have mapped the brain activity and discovered that talking about your anger, hurts, betrayals, etc. only inflames them.

We have phrases in our language that point to a common believe that if you “let off steam” or “vent” about something that you can “let it go” easier. The research shows that the opposite is true. . . .

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You Are Clean

You are clean because of your decision for Christ!

I know that someone needs to hear that today. Once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are a new creation. The old is gone; the new has come. We don’t have to live in guilt and shame any more. Praise Jesus!

With a heavy heart and glistening eyes, my girlfriend shared . . .

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Mercy for the Mean

God is kind to everyone, even to people who are not grateful for the incredible sacrifice He made for them. God is kind even to evil people. And God expects the same from us. He wants us to have mercy for the mean.

This phrase in Luke is at it at the end of Jesus’ teaching on loving your enemies. I think of an enemy as someone known to me, but not in close relationship. For example, I would consider an abusive . . .

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