In Light of Eternity

At a women’s retreat, years ago, the speaker asked, “In the light of eternity, does it really matter?”  She was attempting to get us to let go of offences and move toward forgiveness.  I took her advice and forgave all the people who had hurt me.  Just speaking out that decision lifted an anvil off my chest.  My heart felt so light and free that I took a deep breath – my first breath of “freedom!”   That breath of freedom gave me a fresh perspective that transformed me from a powerless victim to a victorious overcomer!! No longer could the things people say or do control me.  I am free to choose my response.  And I choose forgiveness!!

Over the years, seeing through the eyes of eternity has helped me put things in the proper perspective.  In the light of eternity, . . . mountains become mole hills . . . and puncture wounds become pin pricks.  Yes, looking through the eyes of eternity has transforming power.

The book I reviewed last week called “Heaven” has done that for me again.  It has transformed my thinking by giving me a glimpse of eternity.  The author, Randy Alcorn, talked about the stories that we will share in heaven.  Many of the stories that we will share in heaven will be drawn from the life we are living here on the earth.  What if I had not learned to forgive?  What stories would I have to share – bitterness, resentment, defeat?  Where is the victory in that?

I want to live my life in such a way that people seek me out in heaven to hear the stories of God’s faithfulness in my life.  For example, I am excited to hear the stories that John, the disciple whom Jesus’ loved, could not fit into his gospel account.  And I imagine Peter telling his stories with an uproarious laughter.  Missionaries Amy Carmichael and William Carey are also on my list. Yes, looking at life in the light of eternity crystalizes what really matters.  Am I living my life in the light of eternity?