A Man After God's Own Heart

But now your kingdom shall not endure. The LORD has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart, and the LORD has appointed him as ruler over His people, because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you. 1 Samuel 13:14 NASB

King David is described in scripture as “a man after God’s own heart.” I had assumed God was referring to David’s heart of worship. That is what David is famous for. David wrote many of the psalms of praise. David established a rotation of worshipers to play and sing in the temple 24/7. But God is not highlighting David’s heart of worship. God is highlighting David’s heart of obedience.

In 1 Samuel where God first mentions that He is seeking a man after His own heart, it is war, not worship, that is brewing. Saul, the first king of Israel, had disobeyed God. God had told Saul – TWICE – to wait for the prophet Samuel to come and offer a sacrifice. Saul got impatient in the waiting and offered his own sacrifice.

In God’s eyes, to obey is better than to sacrifice (1Sam.15:22). That is why God was seeking for a man after His own heart. Shortly after this event, God had Samuel anoint David to be king of Israel. God sought a man to lead His people His way. God cannot trust a man who does things his own way. God is looking for an obedient heart.

In the New Testament reference (Acts13:22) there is no mention of worship either. God said, “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My heart, who will do all My will.” God’s decision to promote David to king was based on David’s desire to do God’s will, instead of his own. David’s heart of obedience attracted God’s favor and blessing.

Was King David perfect in his obedience; is that why he is a man after God’s own heart? NO! King David made some major mistakes in his life. He committed adultery and murder. He failed to discipline his sons, which lead to more adultery and more murders. Oh yes, David missed the mark many times. But David was also quick to confess and repent. David’s heart was to do God’s will. And that is the heart that God is searching for.

The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His (2Chr.16:9). God is searching the whole earth looking for obedient hearts so that He can support them. God wants to promote “His man” into positions of authority, influence, and favor.

All this begs the question: Am I a man (woman) after God’s own heart? Is my heart completely His? Do I have a heart of obedience that God can trust in positions of authority? How about you??