You Are Clean

For indeed, you are clean because Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us. 1Cor5:7b TPT

You are clean because of your decision for Christ!

I know that someone needs to hear that today. Once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are a new creation. The old is gone; the new has come. We don’t have to live in guilt and shame any more. Praise Jesus!

With a heavy heart and glistening eyes, my girlfriend shared how she had committed adultery and destroyed her marriage. That was 30 years ago, and still the confession produces tears! For years, she struggled to feel forgiven and free. Even today, thirty years later, she occasionally hears those negative voices in her head.

That is so like the enemy of our souls! He ensnares us with temptations and addictions, and then he berates us for falling for them. He constantly reminds us of our mistakes and failings to make us feel condemned.

But there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1)! Praise Jesus!! We don’t have to listen to the accuser anymore. Jesus purchased our freedom on cross; He has washed us clean with His blood. We can take off our filthy rags and put on Jesus’ robe of righteousness. We can refuse to entertain the negative messages of the enemy. We are clean because of Christ!

Maybe like my friend, you are still crying over the sins of your past. I encourage you to receive Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Plug your ears to the lies of the enemy. And live in the truth that says:

You are clean because of your decision for Christ!!