Denying Jesus

The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: “Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.” And he went outside and wept bitterly. Luke 22:61-62

Like Peter, I have wept bitterly over denying Jesus. When I went off to college, I would have claimed to be a Christian. Yet, I had no real relationship with Christ, and I didn’t even attend church. My roommate, on the other hand, stated she was an atheist. She adamantly denied imperial evidence for a Creator and Savior. Since I had no personal experience or knowledge of the Word, I could not refute her assertions.

The truth be told, I was searching for those personal experiences everywhere. I had tried adult catechism, transcendental meditation, Shinto chanting, and others. Nothing satisfied. So, I adopted the verbiage of my roommate who believed there is no God.

With my own mouth, I denied my Savior. I know why Peter wept bitterly; it is heart wrenching to betray the One you love. For years, I mentally berated myself for those “lost” years. I apologized to my Lord, again and again.

How about you? Have you ever denied the Lord with your own mouth? Do you have “lost” years that you lament?

We can take comfort in Peter’s example. With Peter’s confession of love for Jesus, he is forgiven and commissioned. There is no need to squander years in self-abasement. The moment we turn our affection back to Jesus, He rushes in with forgiveness and destiny. Like Peter, Jesus wants us to care for and feed His sheep. We cannot do that if we are wallowing in the past.

I encourage you to turn your heart to Jesus, today! Receive your forgiveness, and the destiny that He has in mind for you.

Jesus, we love you, and we praise you for your Word which gives us great encouragement!