Anna's Devotion

Then she (Anna) lived as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer. Luke 2:37

My heart is on Anna this Christmas season. The prophetess who met Mary and Joseph at Jesus’ dedication is lauded as a life lived well.

After being widowed at a young age, Anna committed her life to the Lord. She might have remarried and raised a family. Instead, day and night she worshiped God with prayer and fasting . . . for decades. She did nothing else. Every day she faithfully sought God’s presence in His temple.

I suppose in the natural world, Anna’s life would be considered wasted. However, God’s Word refers to Anna as a prophetess. Her loyal love was rewarded with the gift of seeing the Messiah.

I’m wondering how to model my life after Anna’s. I can enter God’s temple daily by simply closing my eyes and calling on His name. That makes it easy to pray both night and day, because I don’t have to go to a specific place (Jn. 4:24). As I do this faithfully, like Anna, God will reward me with a greater revelation of my Messiah Jesus. I am inspired by Anna’s lifestyle of worship. I want that too!

Merry Christmas!