Do you long for God’s presence, but don’t know how to get there? Thankfulness is the key.
Thankfulness is the door (gate) that gives us access to God’s courtyard. Once we are in the house of God, we commune with God in praise and worship.
The world’s depravity stems from the root of unthankfulness . . .
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Do you need a ray of hope today? I found one in an unlikely place.
Poor Jeremiah was caught up in . . .
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Imagine Mary, a sweet young girl experiencing within her own body the fulfillment of God’s promise to her people. She joyfully praised God with Elizabeth, who was experiencing a miracle pregnancy in her old age. . . .
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I was living life on my own terms, without regard for the Lord. However, when I was in distress, I would pray to Him . . . and He would answer. Why would God answer someone who treated Him like a vending machine? . . . .
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Do you get depressed reading the book of Judges? I did.
Judges describes Israel’s dismal cycle of rebellion, oppression and repentance, over and over again. The nation of Israel would forget about God and . . .
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Scripture is full examples like King Ahab. No matter how far His people have fallen away from Him, God shows them mercy when they turn their face to Him. . . .
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Today, I am astonished, again, by God’s grace to the repentant. King Ahab gets my vote for the most, evil king in the whole history of Israel. He followed idols and . . .
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Previously, I had viewed this scripture in the restrictive sense. In other words, God was limiting His grace and compassion by saying this. As if God is saying, only a few people are afforded His grace, but not all.
Actually, the intent of the verse is exactly opposite. God is explaining to Moses about His goodness and . . .
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God is kind to everyone, even to people who are not grateful for the incredible sacrifice He made for them. God is kind even to evil people. And God expects the same from us. He wants us to have mercy for the mean.
This phrase in Luke is at it at the end of Jesus’ teaching on loving your enemies. I think of an enemy as someone known to me, but not in close relationship. For example, I would consider an abusive . . .
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