Ahab, the Worst King Ever

And the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite saying, “Do you see how Ahab humbles himself before Me? Because he humbles himself before Me, I shall not bring the evil in his days, but I shall bring the evil upon his house in his son’s days.” 1Kings 21:28-29

King Ahab is arguably the most wicked king in all of Israel’s history; yet when he turns his face to God, God has mercy on him.

King Ahab continued to worship the idols that the previous kings of Israel had set up. The word of God says that it was not a “light thing” for him to walk in those sins and to cause the nation of Israel walk in those sins as well. Not only that, King Ahab set up more and different idols. He built a temple and raised an altar to his idols in the capital city of Israel. The Word says that “he did more to provoke the LORD God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him (1Kings 16:33).

I could go on and on about the unrighteous acts of King Ahab. He perverted justice, instead of defending it. He hatched a plot to have the king of Judah killed so he could rule both Israel and Judah (see 1Kings 22). And twice as I’ve been writing this, God has reminded me that Ahab and his wife Jezebel polluted the godly line of the kings of Judah. And yet . .. . .

The one time this evil leader repented, God had mercy on him!

God is gracious and compassionate, and full of mercy! If God can have mercy on wicked King Ahab, He can have mercy on you and me.

Scripture is full examples like King Ahab. No matter how far His people have fallen away from Him, God shows them mercy when they turn their face to Him. In the book of Judges, time and again, God delivers them from the hand of their enemies after they turn to Him. During the reign of the kings, God blesses them when they love and worship Him. Even during exile, when the people acknowledge their sin against God, He rescues and saves them.

I praise God for His mercy today!

When we turn our face to God, He rushes in with blessing! No matter how far we have fallen. No matter what evils we have done. We need only humble ourselves before God, and He will lift us up. Praise God!!