The Daily Decree

  • Book Review of:

  • The Daily Decree

  • By: Brenda Kunneman

  • Published by: Destiny Image

I placed my mantle of authority and anointing upon my successor, just like Elijah threw his cloak over Elisha. Elijah’s cloak was probably linen or some other natural fabric. The one I placed on her shoulders was a gold, sparkly cape from the local costume store. It added a touch of prophetic symbolism and drama to our ceremony.

After I draped the cape over her shoulders, I opened a scroll and pronounced declarations over her. I declared that she would experience encounters with God’s tangible presence. I called upon God to touch her in unusual ways and with fresh anointing. I prayed that she would manifest the Kingdom of God in her every circle of influence. And I proclaimed many other beautiful words over her. My successor was touched and honored by the words spoken over her. She talked about framing them.

That beautiful declarative prayer I copied directly out of Brenda Kunneman’s book. I have written Kunneman’s decrees in birthday cards and graduation cards. I have spoken them in prayer over the phone and in my quiet time. Again, and again, people have thanked me for the “beautiful words.”

This is not the type of book that you read cover to cover in one sitting. Yet I have found it to be an extremely valuable resource to bless others. And this morning I even blessed myself with one of the decrees!

If you are one who likes to pray God’s destiny over yourself and others, then this is the book for you!