The Loving Father

Day after day I have graciously outstretched My hands to a people who turned their backs to Me, whose way of life is corrupt, who insist on going their own way. Isaiah 65:2 TPT

This is the final devotion in a series on the “Lost” parables of Luke 15. Each parable highlights a different person of the God-Head, who seeks and celebrates the lost. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who seeks and saves the lost lamb. The Holy Spirit illumines and sweeps the house searching for the redeemed of the Lord. And finally, the Loving Heavenly Father is looking for His lost son.

The more I think about this “lost” parable labeled “The Prodigal Son,” the more disturbed I get. The prodigal is already a son. This is not some lost little lamb who knows nothing about The Father. This prodigal is already in close, intimate relationship with The Father. Christian, that is you and me! We are already a son (Rom. 8:15). We are already in close, intimate fellowship with The Father. That prodigal son took his gifts and talents – his inheritance – and he insisted on going his own way. He wandered far away from his home and his Father. Yikes! Don’t you find that disturbing? That could be you! That could be me! O’Lord, keep us faithful!!

The prodigal son wasted what he had been given on a corrupt lifestyle. He spent everything and had nothing. We are not surprised, because he was like a branch that cut itself off from the vine (John 15). He had no source of life because he had turned his back on The Father.

The severe famine in the land where he was living, I equate with a famine of the Word – the Bread of Life. Finally, the prodigal got hungry enough for that Bread of Life that he decided to return to his Father. But he was concerned about how his Father would receive him. Are you concerned about how The Father will receive you?

Our Heavenly Father is a loving Father. He is longing for us to turn our face to Him so He can be gracious to us. He waits on high to have compassion on us (Is. 30:18). Day after day, all day long, He graciously stretches out His hands to us! There is no need for concern about how we will be received. If we take even on tiny step in His direction, The Father rushes in with blessing! He is seeking to save ALL who are lost!!

Come Home!!!