The Holy Spirit Illumines and Sweeps

. .. does she not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she would find it?” ONMB

This devotion is the second in a series on the “Lost” parables in Luke 15. Each of the parables highlights a different person of the Trinity of God. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who leaves the 99 in order to rescue the one lost lamb. The parable of the woman who lost a valuable silver coin is a picture of the Holy Spirit. And the parable of the prodigal son highlights our loving Heavenly Father.

In the 2nd parable, the woman had “10 valuable silver coins.” There is considerable discussion in the commentaries about the value of these coins in current monetary terms. But I believe that misses the point. Silver is the symbol of redemption. Silver is the price paid for a soul (Lev. 27:3-6). These particular silver coins represent 10 “souls” that are so extremely valuable that Jesus paid it all for their redemption!

These 10 redeemed souls are already believers. They are being tested and one has gotten lost. How do I know they are being tested? The symbolic meaning of the number 10 is “trial or testing” (Interpreting the Symbols and Types by Kevin Conner). Because these 10 believers are being tested, it seems like the sanctification process to me. And one of the precious souls has gotten lost in the process. This is why I believe the woman in the parable represents the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit of God is the One who teaches and guides us (John 14:26; 16:13), leading us in the sanctification process. You could say that the Holy Spirit illuminates our path, like the woman in the parable who lit a lamp to search her whole house. The Holy Spirit is the One who convicts of sin and leads us into righteousness (1John 1:8-10). So the Holy Spirit helps us to cleanse our house, like the woman in the parable who swept her house, diligently searching for the lost coin.

Just like the Good Shepherd in the previous parable, the woman celebrated when she found her precious, silver coin. She invited all her friends and neighbors to celebrate with her. This is the way God responds every time one precious lost soul repents and turns to Him. God is ecstatic with joy and calls for a celebration! He places immeasurable value on every single soul! You are immeasurable valuable to the Lord!! I am immeasurable valuable to Him!! He will diligently search for us, until we are found. Praise the Lord!!