The Good Shepherd

Jesus continued, “In the same way, there will be a glorious celebration in heaven over the rescue of one lost sinner who repents, comes back home, and returns to the fold. .. .” Luke 15:7 TPT

Today I am considering the three parables of Jesus from Luke 15. Jesus tells these parables after the religious leaders are indignant and complaining about Him associating with “notorious sinners.”

I was originally captured by how each of the parables represents a different person of the Triune God. The Good Shepherd who leaves the 99 to rescue the one lost lamb is, of course, our Precious Jesus. The woman who sweeps the house diligently searching for the lost coin is a picture of the Holy Spirit. (The subject of next week’s blog.) And the parable of the prodigal son, highlights our loving Heavenly Father.

As I meditated on them, I noticed that each of the parables also symbolically represents a different group of people. The flock of lambs represents all of humanity. God created every one of those little lambs, and He longs for each of them come home. The 10 silver coins represent the redeemed of the Lord. And the prodigal is a son. Notice how in each parable we get closer and closer to The Father’s heart. Yet in each one, we see the extraordinary value our God places of every lost soul!

God’s love for each of the lost is extravagant! In the parable of the lost lamb, the Good Shepherd risked all to search for the one. It may have seemed fool-hardy, but He never gave up until He finally found the lost lamb. He raised the lamb up and carried it home, rejoicing! Once He got home He invited everyone to come celebrate the return of the lost lamb!

The other thing I noticed is that the Good Shepherd didn’t berate the lamb for wandering off and getting lost. Unfortunately, I have seen that happen at churches near me. If that happened to you at church, let me beg your forgiveness on their behalf. And I implore you to look into the face of your Savior who is cheerfully delighted that you’ve repented and come home! He is smiling upon you with eyes of love! Your Good Shepherd is celebrating your return!

Welcome Home!!