And He called to the man clothed with linen, who had the writer’s inkhorn at his side; and the Lord said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it.” Ezekiel 9:3b-4 NKJV
The mark made by this “man clothed in linen” protected the recipient from God’s coming judgment. Life and death were in the power of this man’s pen. We see this same protection in Revelation 7:3 where the servants of God are “sealed” before the great end-time judgment.
If you have made Jesus Lord of your life, you have nothing to fear. You have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise (Eph. 1:13). You are under God’s protection, come what may. Thank God for His Spirit!
Today, however, my thoughts rest on the power of the pen. Every mark the man in linen made saved a life. Let me say that again, every mark that man made saved a life.
I am reflecting on my calling as a writer. Like the man in linen, I carry an “inkhorn.” God has sent me on assignment, like the man in linen. Does my every mark save a life?
Let me be clear. It is the Holy Spirit that marks those who are His. God is the only One who saves lives. Yet, I am thinking about my “inkhorn.” Does my writing make a mark for the Kingdom of God? Will there be souls in heaven from my marks? Suddenly I feel small and insignificant. And my calling as a writer seems impossible.
In this moment, I feel God saying, “Perfect! You are right where I want you – dependent on Me. In your own strength, you can do nothing. With Me, all things are possible. Rest in Me and trust in Me. Together, we will save lives.”
I’m reminded again that even the simplest of acts done in partnership with Him and for His glory have great impact. God’s word never returns void (Is. 55:11). His marks are indelible.