What Declarations does Jesus sing over you?
For the last few years, I have written New Year Declarations instead of . . .
Read MoreWhat Declarations does Jesus sing over you?
For the last few years, I have written New Year Declarations instead of . . .
Read MoreThe subtle allegories of poetry often elude my grasp. Three-thousand-year-old poetry, as in the Song of Songs, leaves me completely baffled. The Sacred Journey by Brian and Candice Simmons brings clarity and insight that I can grab ahold of. Their understanding of the poetry provides food for my devotion. . . .
In Song of Songs 5, the bride . . . .
Read MoreI had the privilege of sharing my creative testimony with women who are emerging out of spiritual darkness. They listened intently as I shared my story, and they excitedly participated in the creative expression I had for them afterwards. My greatest joy . . .
Read MoreAhhh, the thrill of young love! My friend Heidi was a widow in her 70s when she fell in love a second time. When love is young, no matter the age, the lovers . . .
Read MoreI looked at the face of Jesus and held His beautiful countenance in my hands, inches from mine. He gently kissed my cheek, my forehead, even the tip of my nose. Over and over, He tenderly . . .
Read MoreI am steeped in the Song of Solomon these days. What is the spiritual significance behind all those agricultural analogies? As I learn, I am discovering . . .
Read MoreTears prickled my eyes when we walked into the blacksmith shop. It smelled exactly like my grandfather’s workshop. My family . . .
Read MoreI am basking in the love of my Bridegroom King today. The imagery of the Song of Solomon chapter 4 has captured my heart.
King Solomon, who is a type of King Jesus, is expressing his love . . . .
Read MoreThis is our Bridegroom King, Jesus, speaking to us, His Bride. How have we ravished His heart? We have given Him our “Yes.”
In the context of Song of Solomon, the Shulamite bride has finally . . .
Read MoreToday I am considering the four horses and their riders that are released by the first four seals. Could each of these symbolize Christ Jesus at His first coming?
Certainly, the white horse . . .
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