Enrapturing Our Bridegroom King      

You have ravished my heart with one look of your eyes, Song of Solomon 4:9b NASB

This is our Bridegroom King, Jesus, speaking to us, His Bride. How have we ravished His heart? We have given Him our “Yes.”

In the context of Song of Solomon, the Shulamite bride has finally given her “yes” (4:6) to the invitation (2:10) to trust in the leadership of her Bridegroom King. She has given her full commitment. She is willing to follow Him into unknown difficulties and even death (mountain of myrrh). He has been waiting for this moment. He has been pursuing her and wooing her, and finally, she has accepted Him. Now, the Bridegroom King’s heart is ravished. He is overwhelmed with emotions.

This poem is an analogy of our relationship with our Bridegroom King. Jesus pursued us and wooed us as we walked our own way, not willing to follow Him. When we finally accepted Him as our Lord, He was overcome with emotion. How do I know? That is the only time there is a celebration in heaven (Luke 15:10). God and His angels are celebrating our “yes.” Our commitment has left our Bridegroom King breathless.

Every time we turn our face to Him in worship or prayer (with one look of your eyes), our Bridegroom King is ravished. He weeps with delight at our attention and affection.

Precious Bridegroom, Your delight in my affections entices me to love you more. Thank You, Jesus, for loving me and wooing me to Yourself.