The Four Horsemen of Revelation 6

Then I saw when the Lamb broke the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come!” Rev. 6:1 NASB

This devotion is the second in a series looking at the book of Revelation with fresh eyes. The new lens I am looking through postulates that the seven seals on the scroll refer to Jesus Christ’s first coming, and the seven trumpets announce Jesus’ second coming, and that the bowl judgments end the age.

Today I am considering the four horses and their riders that are released by the first four seals. Could each of these symbolize Christ Jesus at His first coming?

Certainly, the white horse (1st seal) and the rider, who wears a crown, fits the imagery of Jesus. In fact, I would hesitate to envision anyone else in this imagery. Jesus is the conqueror! Jesus conquered sin and death at the cross during His first coming (Col. 2:13-15). He also captured our hearts (Song of Songs 4:9).

The red horse (2nd seal) with the rider who is given a great sword could also be Jesus. Christ rides the fiery red horse to bring purity to His priestly people (Ps. 51:10). The great sword is His Word – that double-edged sword we read about in Hebrews 4:12.

The imagery of the black horse (3rd seal) with the rider who holds a scale in His hand is still a little murky to me. The biblical symbolism of “scales” are justice, power, and evaluation (Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, IVP Academic). Jesus is the One who evaluate, even believers will give an account of the deeds done in the body (2 Cor. 5:10). Jesus is the One who brings justice (John 5:22). Christ Jesus is the One who has all power and authority (Matt. 28:18).

The fourth rider (4th seal) is “Death.” The color of Death’s horse is green; green is the color of life. In other words, Death rides on life – Death brings life. This could only refer to Jesus Christ! His death brings us eternal life. Thank You, Jesus!

More next week on this fresh look at Revelation.