What Declarations does Jesus sing over you?
For the last few years, I have written New Year Declarations instead of resolutions. I wrote those previous declarations from God’s promises that were already stirring in my heart. This year I am declaring over myself (and you) the declarations that Jesus speaks over us.
In Song of Songs 7:1-5, our Bridegroom King sings over us, His beautiful bride, the attributes which make us attractive to Him. He Himself is the One who gives us these supernatural virtues and strengths. Therefore, these attributes that make us beautiful are His prophetic destiny for us.
How beautiful on the mountains are the sandaled feet of this one bringing such good news. You are truly royalty! The way you walk so gracefully in my ways displays such dignity. You are truly the poetry of God – his very handiwork. Out of your innermost being is flowing the fullness of my Spirit – never failing to satisfy. Within your womb there is a birthing of harvest wheat; they are the sons and daughters nurtured by the purity you impart. How gracious you have become! Your life stands tall as a tower, like a shining light on a hill. Your revelation eyes are pure, like pools of refreshing – sparkling light for a multitude. Such discernment surrounds you, protecting you from the enemy’s advance. Redeeming love crowns you as royalty. Your thoughts are full of life, wisdom and virtue. Even a king is held captive by your beauty (Song of Songs 7:1-5 The Passion Translation).
The following list of 10 declarations that My Bridegroom King declares over me is thanks to Brian and Candice Simmons from their book The Sacred Journey. I pray that you will declare them over yourself as well:
1. I have Good News shoes (v.1).
2. I have a graceful walk (v. 1).
3. I have an abundant inward life (v. 2-3 fountain overflowing).
4. I am giving birth to a harvest (v. 2-3).
5. I have the power to nurture others (v. 2-3).
6. I am a strong refuge for others (v. 4 tower).
7. I receive clear revelation from God (v. 4 eyes are pure).
8. I have spiritual discernment (v. 4).
9. My thoughts are pure (v. 5).
10. I am devoted to my Bridegroom King. (v. 5) He fills my life with wisdom and virtue and redeeming love. My heart is filled with royal love for Him.
I pray that each of these declarations are true in my life, and yours, in this coming year.