So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Luke 11:9
In a discussion about prayer, Jesus tells His disciples to be persistent by asking, seeking, and knocking at the door of heaven. Jesus declares that our heavenly Father is a good Father, and He will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (Luke 11:13). Sadly, many Christians do not believe that the gifts of the Spirit are for today. Since they do not believe it is true, they do not persist in asking God for the gift. They have not, because they ask not.
“Speaking in tongues” is one of the many gifts of the Holy Spirit of God. Sometimes it is called a “heavenly language” or a “supernatural language” because it is generally not a known human language. Like all the gifts of the Spirit (prophecy, words of knowledge, etc.), they are accessed through faith. Faith is believing God and asking for the gift. In fact, Jesus says to persist in prayer – asking, seeking, knocking – until your good Father blesses you with it.
For those of us who persist in prayer, there are five benefits of “Speaking in tongues:”
-Speaking in tongues is an opportunity for intimate communication with God (1 Cor 14:2). God longs to have an intimate relationship with every one of His children. He sacrificed His Son so that He could put His Spirit within us. Speaking in tongues is one way to develop that heart-felt intimacy with the Lord our God. At times when our hearts are so full of gratitude towards God or angst at our situation, then our human language seems too limited to express it. With our heavenly language, we can pour out our hearts to God without trying to find the right words.
-Speaking in tongues is a worship language (Acts 10:44-47). The Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and his family, and they were “speaking in tongues and exalting God.” God delights in our worship! He smiles down upon His children as they sing praises to Him, and He blesses them. Let us sing our new song to God in our heavenly language! Let Him hear our praises and warm us with His blessings!
-Speaking in tongues edifies your own spirit (1 Cor. 14:4). To edify means “to charge,” as in a battery. As we speak directly to God in our heavenly language, God is charging our spiritual battery. God heals our woundedness; He roots out unforgiveness; He convicts our sin. God fills us with His supernatural love; He empowers us with His Spirit; He prospers our souls, bringing victory in every area of life (3 John 1:2).
-Praying in tongues is my spirit listening to God’s voice (1 Cor. 14:2). As we talk with God in our heavenly language, we become attuned to listening for His voice. We become more sensitive to the movement of the Holy Spirit. With that constant communication in our spirit, we can know and respond quicker to the impulses of God in our lives.
-Praying in tongues is the Holy Spirit interceding for others (Rom. 8:26-27). God can use our tongues to intercede for victory in the lives of others. Battles are fought and won in the unseen realms simply by praying to God in His heavenly language.
Wow! I am in awe of all the benefits of speaking in tongues. I resolve to use this gift and blessing more frequently. How about you?