Freedom to Praise

He (Peter) met a man there named Aneneas who had been paralyzed and bedridden for eight years.  Peter said to him, “Aeneas, Jesus the Anointed One instantly and divinely heals you.  Now, get up and make your bed.” Acts 9:33-34 Passion Translation

I would love it if I could read the Word of God in its original language.  Every detail, every name, every number, is written for our learning.  And so much is lost in the translation.  For example, these verses on healing in Acts are actually a lesson on living a praise-filled life.

The notes in The Passion translation point out that the name of the town where Peter is ministering, Lydda, means “strife.”  And the healed man’s name, Aneneas, means “praise.”  So, this man named “Praise” is living in a place called “Strife.”  Praise has been paralyzed, unable to move, because he is living in strife.

Praise has been paralyzed and unable to move because he is living in strife!  That is a powerful statement . . . with a timeless message!  And we learned that just from knowing the meaning of two names!!  Amazing!

And the greatest blessing is learning how Praise is freed from his sick bed.  Praise was loosed when Peter declared over him, “Jesus the Anointed One instantly and divinely heals you.  Now, get up and make your bed.”  A declaration of freedom, followed by an action (faith), set Praise free!! 

Did you catch that?!  A declaration of what Jesus Christ has already done, coupled with faith in action, sets Praise free!  Our praise is loosed (set free) when we declare what Jesus Christ has done for us and act on it in believing faith.  And that freedom to praise brings a new beginning.  How do I know this?  Because the number 8 symbolizes new beginnings.

Are you living in strife?

Is your praise paralyzed, unable to move?

Well, I have good news!  Jesus, the Anointed One, instantly and divinely heals you!  Now, get up and praise!!  Jesus, gives you a fresh start, a new beginning!  Declare what HE has done for you . . . and act on it!  You are free to praise HIM!!!

Praising Jesus!!!