Revealed to be "Anointed Ones"

And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Acts 11:26c NKJ

It was in Antioch that the followers of Jesus were first revealed as “anointed ones.”  Acts 11:26c The Passion Translation

Notice the difference in these two translations.  The notes in the Passion Translation say, “The Greek word ‘chrematizo’ means ‘supernaturally revealed’ (imparted), more than simply ‘called.’”   

Do you see the difference?  In the first version, the implication is that a group of people decided that instead of referring to the disciples as “The Way” or some other designation, they would be called Christians.  In the second version, God Himself reveals some new thing about Jesus followers! This is a game-changer!

This is much more significant than Jesus' disciples getting a new label.  God is revealing, for the first time, that just as Jesus is His Anointed One, we too are His “anointed ones.” 

What does it mean to be God’s anointed ones?  The verb “anoint” means “to rub with oil, to smear on.”  It is a symbol of sanctification, of being set apart for service. 

Prophets, priests and kings were anointed with oil, sanctified, in the Old Testament by the High Priest.  God is revealing that, in this new covenant, it is God Himself who anoints us!  He is the One who smears us with His Holy Spirit!  He has sanctified us!!  He has set us apart for HIS service!!!

Antioch, where God first revealed this, is the city from which the first missionaries were sent out.  As the believers were “ministering” to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate right away for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

It is not just Barnabas and Paul who were set apart for God’s service.  We all are!!  God Himself has set us apart for His service; we are His “anointed ones.”  He smeared us with His Holy Spirit!  And that Holy Spirit has a work for each of us. 

Find me faithful, O’Lord!!