Holy to the Lord

“You shall also make a plate of pure gold and shall engrave on it, like the engravings of a seal, ‘Holy to the Lord.’”  Exodus 28:36 NASB

Aaron, the priest, wears a "seal" in the form of the gold plate on his turban.   The "seal" that Aaron wears declares that he is, "Holy to the Lord!"

This caught my attention because we, like Aaron, are priests of the Most High God.  (1 Peter 2:9)  We have also been “sealed” with the Holy Spirit for the Day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)  The Holy Spirit is the One who makes us “Holy to the Lord.”

The seal on a letter or document indicates authenticity and ownership.  The “seal” of the Holy Spirit on us, indicates ownership too.  We belong to God!  That’s what the word Holy means: to be set apart for God.  Our “seal” declares to the spirit realm that we are “Holy – set apart – to the Lord.”

A seal on a document also provided legitimacy and authority.  An ambassador was a recognized authority when he carried the king’s seal.  You and I carry the “seal” of the King of kings!  We are His ambassadors.  We carry His delegated authority.  We are set apart for His service.  We are “Holy to the Lord.”

Sealing also provides security and preservation.  Twice in scripture, God sends an angel to “seal on the foreheads” His faithful servants. (Eze. 9 and Rev. 7)  That seal protects them in the coming judgment. 

Aaron wore a “seal” on his forehead in the shape of a golden plate.  We wear a “seal” on our foreheads; His name is Holy Spirit.  We will be preserved in the coming judgment because we are “sealed” with the Holy Spirit for the Day of redemption.  Our seal sets us apart.  We are “Holy to the Lord.”