Transformed Beauty

[Jesus] was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. Matthew 17:2 NKJ

Lori was caught in a spider web of drug addiction and prostitution. Every time she tried to make a move, she became more entangled. Not that she was trying to free herself; she thought life was great. Yet, the pallor of death was upon her face. Photos from that time document her hard features and angry eyes . . . not at all beautiful.

During that season, I prayed that God would snatch her back from the enemy. And that is exactly what God did! He reached into the darkness and snatched her out of that black spiderweb.

God gave her a vision of Himself. He rescued and restored her. The vision of God has transforming power! When we focus on the life-giving God, we become beautiful with the beauty of God.

Today, Lori smiles into the camera with sparkling eyes. Her features are soft and her face shines with a deep-seated joy. What a transformation! Lori has gone from death to life, quite literally!

This is the power of the gospel! Jesus snatches us out of the clutches of the enemy. He delivers us from death to life. As we behold His beauty, we are transformed into His beautiful bride!