Beauty Begins: Making Peace With Your Reflection

  • Book Review of:

  • Beauty Begins: Making Peace with Your Reflection

  • By: Chris Shook and Megan Shook Alpha

  • Published by: Waterbrook Press

This mother-daughter team has written the book that has been on my heart for years. And they have done it beautifully! I can heartily recommend this book to every woman – young and old. Even husbands and fathers can find a blessing here, especially in the addendum written by the husbands of the authors.

The key to making peace with our reflection is to be looking in the correct mirror. If we look into the mirror of parents, peers or popular culture, then we will never find peace. Peace is found in the mirror of the eyes of Jesus, our Beloved Bridegroom. We are beautiful because of the cross of Christ, and for no other reason. When we reflect HIM, then we are beautiful. Then we will find that peace that we are searching for.

But the struggle is real. We live in a messy, fallen world. We get wounded. We struggle to forgive. We make mistakes. We listen to the voices of others who say we are not enough. We forget who we are. We forget to look to HIM to reflect our beauty! The authors have great advice for the daily battle and for building a beautiful team around you.

The last section of the book is for all Christians – men and women. They are talking about a beautiful rebellion. . . about living a radically abandoned life . . . to Him. They are talking about leaving a beautiful legacy . . . for Him. I say, “Yes, and Amen!”

Finally, I love that this book is written by a mother-daughter team. My mother’s heart has desired to give this pearl of wisdom to my own daughters and spiritual daughters for years. Now I can! And how much more relevant that a young woman has co-authored the book.

Mothers, now you can give your daughters all your years of wisdom without having to write a book.

Daughters, soak in this treasured gift as if I wrote it myself! I love you!!