White Haired Beauty

They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed. Psalm 34:5

Margie was already a grandma with white hair when I met her. Yet, she was one of the most beautiful women in my life. She was a volunteer at the prayer ministry I had just joined. I loved serving on Margie’s prayer team because she bubbled with joy and enthusiasm for the Lord. Often when she spoke of her Savior, her passion would catch in her throat and tears would well up in her eyes. At those times, she literally glowed with the Holy Spirit. Her brilliant white hair and radiate countenance contributed to her glowing beauty.

One time when I visited her home, Margie showed me pictures of her extended family. I remember thinking how plain and ordinary they looked – even Margie. I had to ask, “Is that you?” She laughed and said, “Yes, that’s before I had white hair.” It was also before she met Jesus. The contrast was remarkable; I hardly recognized her! I told her she was MORE beautiful with white hair. But it was not only the shocking white hair that accounted for her beauty. She also had a joyous glow about her that the young woman in the photo didn’t have.

I think the same could be said of all of us. We are plain and ordinary looking until the “Light of the World” takes up residence inside of us. Then, we shine forth His radiance, His beauty. No matter what our age, the radiance of God’s glory makes us beautiful to behold!